Home > Going to Double my 52 Week Challenge

Going to Double my 52 Week Challenge

March 8th, 2014 at 01:05 am I have made a deal with myself on the 52 Week Challenge. As you know, a few days ago I asked for some advice and received some very good suggestions as to how I was going to spend my challenge dollars once the 52 weeks were done. My thoughts were either mortgage prepay or christmas fund. The suggestion to split between the two was what I decided to do. Now, fast foward a couple days and I have decided to change things up a bit! I am going to attempt to double my 52 week challenge. The formula is the same except it's doubled. So I am going to re-print the chart, re-post it to my office corkboard and give it a shot. In addition to this challenge, I am also maintaining a very strict monthly savings regimin AND a $25.00 forced savings bonus for every NSD! Phew...a lot to bite off but here it goes!

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